Friday, March 19, 2010

It's Friday

Today I must say was a great day emotionally. Lots of encouragement from friends and family. I am trying to keep focus on my objective.

Today I had a simple breakfast - oatmeal & yogurt
Snacks included celery & carrot sticks
Lunch - tried something new - Tuna w/ Salsa (not bad - a lot less calories than mayo)
along with flatbread on the side and a garden salad
Dinner - I tried to make up some calories - we grilled burgers and I had one - so needless to say I exceeded my protein and fat intake - but still way short on my calorie budget.

I feel like I'm eating all day - but now that could just be because I'm watching everything I do now.

I rode the stationary bike for 7.4 miles in 30 minutes then was introduced to the circuit training - then I spent the next 30 minutes doing reps, finding my starting weighs on each machine. Man, am I out of shape, but  that is the main reason I'm doing this.

Anyway, I feel really good after today's workout - I think this will be my routine 3-4 times a week. Going to be taking the kids to the pool tomorrow - going to get some laps in, along with some errands.

I hear that we're expecting snow, after a week in the 60's, this is not very nice.

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