Thursday, August 19, 2010

Week #22

Ok, it's been a month since my last post and it has been quite a struggle. I was happy to announce on my last post that I was at 224 (-47lbs), which I was very proud of myself, and rightfully so.

But this past month has been quite an emotional roller coaster. I've found myself hitting face first into a weight loss brick wall. I maintained 224 for a complete month. So the bad news is that I was not able to lose any way for 4 wks, but the good news is that I didn't gain anything either and I feel like I may have still lost inches. The "new" pants I bought are fitting much looser than they had when I bought them. So, I figured that I'm converting the weight from fat to lean muscle which is very good. But the emotional stress of not losing weight was hard.

Lots of people said to mix up my workout, and I tried, but I just found myself doing what I'm used to doing. However, I did try a new cardio machine and another weight training machine, but I haven't spent much time on either (not enough to make any real impact, i thought).

This past month has been a good month overall, very active, lots of parties and events and opportunities to be "bad". But since we're not on a diet, but rather a lifestyle change - I find myself seeking out the healthiest choice no matter where we go. For instance, we were at a carnival and carnival food is the best/worst depending on your mindset. For us it was brutal. We found a cart that was selling Chicken on a Stick - grilled chicken skews, with chicken fried rice Yum and we figured it was much better than nachos or elephant ears.

Took the kids roller-skating and they had pizza (2 pieces each), I had one piece and a unsalted hot pretzel with mustard, which was better than all their deep fried options.

So with a slight change in my workout and maintain my current nutritional plan I stepped on the scale again today, 5 weeks after I first weighed in at 224. In conversation I have been rounding up to 50 pounds instead of 47, but I knew inside that I was "lying" that I had not yet achieved that elusive 50 pounds...

Today I am happy to announce that I weighed in at 220 (-51)!!!!  So after 4 weeks of no change, I lost 4 pounds this past week. I'm not sure what happened, but I am so excited. I've lost 51 pounds in 5 months - 10/mo. This is my drive and determination overcoming this minor hurdle.