Wednesday, March 24, 2010

First Weigh In

Well, typically I only blog once a day, but this is pretty important. So I figured today, of all days, is worth a double post.

So here goes...

I got to the gym this morning and after about 30 min on the cycle, I decided to meet my fate. I step up to the scale - dialed in my previous weight 2-7-1, and stepped on the scale. At first I was perplexed because the scale didn't move - then quickly I realized "that's a good thing" if it moved that would mean I weighed more.

So then I began to slide the weight to the left. My goal is 1.7 lbs per week to hit -100 by 5/7/11. So I'm sliding; well I met my goal as I'm sliding past 269 - 267 - 265 to my current weight 264! I lost 7 pounds in 7 days. Seven pounds represents 2.6% of my body weight. Now I know that I will not likely have this success every week - but if feels great to get off to a great start.

Now, my journal at wanted me to recalculate my calorie intake based on my new weight and activity level - HOLY COW - they want me to eat MORE!! I think I'll stay at my 2000 target - I have yet to hit it anyway.

Anyway - the Thin Man can see there's light at the end of this Tunnel.

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